Facebook censorship?!?!?, aka, WE KNEW IT!!!

Remember that link about the journalists who work on Facebook’s “Trending News” section? Idk if any of you caught the little tidbit about how part of their job is selecting news from “preferred media outlets,” but if you didn’t, NO WORRIES, Gizmodo published a follow-up, titled, “Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News.”
And it has ignited a veritable shit storm (<--a link in each word as proof), people, because somewhat surprisingly, the public’s (and journalists’) allegiance to the ivory tower of ~objectivity~ is stronger than our general revulsion of Fox News???
Everyone’s now up in arms about Facebook Doing Censorship, but, tbh guys, did we really start to think Facebook was a journalistically ethical institution/not think this was coming?? Esp. considering this maybe-tilt-the-election possibility?? Come onn, America. Where's a good conspiracy theorist when you need one?

^^Lord Zuckerberg bathing in our democracy and values and ad dollars