don’t want to hear from any white brands right now except ben & jerry’s
As Caity Weaver pointed out on Twitter last night: apparently your Vermontian faves, Ben and Jerry’s, runs what is possibly the most legit corporate blog of all time, with their August 2019 entry on the legacy of slavery in the U.S. reappearing on their “most popular” bar as of late.
I highly encourage taking a spin through its archives and checking out their piece on undocumented farm workers during COVID-19, their q&a with ACLU strategist Lewis Conway, Jr., and excellent infographic on cannabis justice. Like sure, it’s a little unconventional to situate a call to dismantle white supremacy next to an update on the launch of the Boots On The Moooo’n flavor, (and let’s not ever forget the brands are first and foremost here to make some $$), but you know what, if B & J can contain such multitudes, so should we, at the very least.
Pssst, don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a copy of Matt Ortile’s The Groom Will Keep His Name:
Here’s how to enter:
Make any size donation to The Bail Project, The National Bail Fund Network, or the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and email me (deliarcai@gmail) your receipt.
Make sure you’re following Matt @Ortile on Twitter
I’ll pick 5 winners at random on Friday morning and tweet ‘em out!