Do you hear the people scream???

November 7 is here, which means Twitter is chock full of some good Les Mis gifs, and also we are on the brink of a democratic meltdown. Idk about you, but I am full-out enjoying all these campaign emails asking if I’ve made a voting plan, as if there is an impending natural disaster and we should all be mapping out the closest supply of potable water.
As such, I trust that you Deez Linksers are doing the civic duty tomorrow — I’ll be heading to P.S. 261 to do the deed and then watching the returns with Atlantic fam. And whether or not you’re within reach of CNN, I recommend keeping an eye on BuzzFeed News — they’re calling the election themselves (usually only TV networks and the Associated Press do that), and this piece is an interesting look at what all goes into actually doing that.
Interesting quote from EIC Ben Smith:
“At the root of all these decisions is trust. We’re a new media outlet, born in this swarming, chaotic, and polarized new ecosystem. We don’t believe that our audience is going to trust a news outlet because they’ve got dramatic music, great graphics, or great hair. (Our staff will also have great hair, btw.) We hope you’ll trust us, instead, because our wizards don’t hide behind the curtain — because we aren’t pretending we have any secrets, just dozens of smart, experienced journalists and analysts working hard and who are utterly open to what our friends and rivals in the rest of the media conversation have to say.”
Some other links of required reading (aka me doing some whoring out over unlimited NYT access) before Judgment Day:
The NYT’s rather lovely story on Hillary Clinton’s literal road trip to Arkansas back in the day
The excellent kicker on this NYT piece on Latina hotel workers in formation
Speaking of which, Queen Bey performing “Formation” with back-up dancers in PANTSUITS! Sublime if you missed it over the weekend; still excellent if you didn’t.
The story behind that Pantsuit Nation Facebook group!
Okay, that should do it. Now let’s go get ‘em.
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