Deez Democrat women amirite

Who else woke up this morning to find their entire Facebook/Twitter timelines in COMPLETE and UTTER RAPTURE over First Slay-dy Michelle’s DNC speech??? But srsly, if you haven’t watched it in full yet, do it now as a civic duty. Of all the humble follow-ups tryna capture M.O.’s glory into words, I actually recommend this WaPo piece on the (also badass lady) speechwriter behind it and much of Michelle’s other speeches in the past *wipes tears* eight years.
Also, the Hillary-action-figure-owning in me can’t resist forwarding this along: “Let me remind you motherfuckers who I am,” by “Hillary Clinton.”
In slightly less partisan links, you should also check out this interactive from NYT, which neatly recounts all the major political milestones achieved by women and minorities since the 1800s. Call me sentimental, but man, all this making-history ish is really making it feel extra special to be a part of this psycho circus we call the media.
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