Current state of the media: Jon Snow
I hear they’re still teaching in journalism schools that the internet was/still is the big, bad disrupter/shafter of journalism, but take note, ye newspaper vets and ~digital natives~ alike -- it’s got nothing on social media. Specifically, Facebook.
To understand the straight up danger that is Facebook/social media vs. the actual media, you have to read Emily Bell’s take over at the Columbia Journalism Review, not at all hyperbolically titled “Facebook is eating the world.”
Because at least, with just the internet, media outlets still owned the avenues that content went out in (i.e. the web domain, the site itself), but with fuckery* like Facebook’s Instant Articles happening, we are all basically Jon Snow in that we own nothing. And winter/earnings reports are always coming.
*Of course, I say this and then personally go on to enjoy said fuckery in the name of convenience and faster load times...
Deez Links will be on hiatus starting tomorrow on account of ya girl is moving her ass to New York and has no clue how the thousand pieces of her life are gonna fall in place! Wish me luck!