can't NOT talk about the cuomo thirst let's be honest
Linking y’all to something a little less serious but still disturbing today in the form of, yes, Andrew Cuomo thirst content (which I am afraid to say I am absolutely FASCINATED by as I await its proper longform treatment wherein someone smart untangles our collective Stockholm syndrome / national experience with When The Bar For White Male Leadership Is Buried Under The Ground).
Anyway, so the definitive Cuomo thirst post you need is comedian Michelle Collins’s piece for Marie Claire, My Boyfriend Andrew Cuomo’s New Girlfriend Is America (peep that URL and revel in its genius SEO my friends).
As Collins explains, it was all but an inevitable result for those of us who have been quarantined and mainlining live updates: “Trapped in my apartment, nowhere else to focus my hormones, the governor is the only man speaking directly TO ME for miles around,” she writes, and you cannot help but nod, if not in empathy, than in deference to the devastating neurological effects of self isolation. “Sometimes he’s late, and starts them at 11:30. I’ve started referring to this waiting time as “Cuomo FOMO.”
And it isn’t just the Twitterati who are crushing! So are the TikTokers. This one, this one, and this one are my favorite so far. Do you need to have the sound on to enjoy them? Yes. Is this proof we have all lost it? Absolutely yes. Has someone thought to look up Cuomo’s star sign yet? He is a Sag. Any other questions??
P.S. if you need more cuomo crush ‘toks here you go.
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