brb would like to exchange this reality for another

Is it just me, or is there an epidemic what feels curiously like the stomach flu, but is actually just a bout of Election Cycle Nausea & Anxiety going around? Yes? It’s not just me and some bad lunchtime meatballs, right?
Anyway, seeing as how our current reality is really not cutting it, I’ve been thinking a lot about VR and AR lately. If you missed it, you should def. read The New Yorker’s story on making movies in virtual reality from April, especially just to get a sense of how ~analog~ everything we have rn is, compared to what our grandkids will probably use to explore Mars and shit with.
Two other cool links: The educational and archival potential for virtual reality is huge, nowhere demonstrated more so than with the New Dimensions in Testimony project, a distant progeny of the legendary Tupac Hologram Project.
Also, you have to check out this start-up called Magic Leap, of which 5% of Silicon Valley types surveyed in The Atlantic’s tech issue named as “the most exciting start-up right now.” Like, ugh, imagine the storytelling potential here. Instead of catching the debate on screen, we could be just beaming Hillz and Trump into our living rooms one day. Just dreamin’ big here, you know.
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