“Because dating is nothing without food!” ← what this campaign’s tagline should be
Found a new favorite ad yesterday, #LoveAtFirstTaste, coming from Unilever, that celebrates the best things in life: food, love, and strong independent (hungry) women who know what they want:
^^This girl is all of us. #leanin
When I first watched this, I all sigh, another stunt-y, cheesy, heteronormative video spot?? Which it is, but despite all that, this actually gets surprisingly so cute. Nice work, MullenLowe.
In other news, WaPo's Alexandra Petri fucking kills it again, this time, with her exploration on all the fun discounts and benefits that comes with the standard-issue Woman Card. What color is your Woman Card? Mine is red, like lipstick, or the spilled blood of misogynists. It's super cute!