Bc seeing those awful high school Facebook photos again is actually a privilege!

How do people who are blind or visually impaired use Facebook?
It’s a question that most of us, whilst we gnash our teeth at Lord Zuck’s latest machinations to screw the media industry out of money, have probably dedicated 0 neurons to thinking about, and yet, here Facebook goes, making the world truly a bit more connected by using artificial intelligence to help visually impaired individuals “discover” photos. Like damnnn, Mark. That’s fucking cool. We will give you that.
In other ~discovery~ related news, Vox Media built a Slack bot that helps staffers immediately find old content related to a certain newsy topic like Prince’s death or Game Of Plot Twists, I mean, Thrones, that can then be re-promoted/circulated online. It’s a neat, simple example of how newsrooms are starting to rely more on automation for daily tasks, which is obvi. great, unless you are the intern whose job was to do that kind of stuff in the first place. :(