autumn is for ~APPLE~ season

Idk who to thank first, God or Tim Cook, but SOMEONE has heard the prayers of all of us who’ve ever dropped phones into toilets/puddles/beer steins, and he hath granted us a slightly more WATER-RESISTANT iPhone. (Full NYT analysis from today’s Apple Event here)
Not exactly media industry news, but any publisher who cares about the ~mobile experience~ (aka all the smart ones!!) should be keeping tabs on anything the Big A puts out — because tbh, if Cook can decide we don’t need headphones, he can probz also decree when we no longer should have to read with our eyeballs, and at that point, every media brand should have their telepathic news strategy ready to go.
Other links — there’s this cool campaign that focuses on how the media portrays female breadwinners, and also, as ugly as the whole Brock Turner outrage has been, you need to check out this super powerful photo essay on sexual assault that’s arisen in the shitstorm’s midst.
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