About to ruin the Facebook "trending" section for u

Q: What's scarier than losing your media industry job because Facebook is taking over all things ~content~?
A: Actually working in a "journalistic" capacity for Facebook, curating and rewriting headlines for the "Trending News" section on repeat, until The Algorithm comes of age, takes your job and eats you alive.

Read the downright chilling accounts of the poor people who decide what goes into Facebook's Trending section, at Gizmodo: "Want to know what Facebook really thinks of journalists? Here's what happened when it hired some."
(Thoughhhh, to be fair, Re/code points out that ~bots writing stories~ isn't exactly new, in: "TFW you realizet he robot you trained is going to take your job.")
Still, I'm gonna leave you with one last horrifying thought:

Happy Wednesday!!!!!