a young male billionaire is perhaps the strangest creature of all

Yo, what the fuck is The Zuck doing, gaslighting our entire media industry by being all like “lol no fake news isn’t really a thing!!!!!” As if the guy isn’t happy just taking a baseball bat to our revenue kneecaps, he’s also keeping up this whole ugh but like Facebook isn’t a media business schtick which, after 18 months of hell and an indeterminable stretch of Trump years ahead, is really not what anyone in this industry wants right now.
Required reading to catch up: BuzzFeed talked to renegade Facebook employees who are trying to minimize the sewage fire of Facebook abetting the spread of fake news, this NYT op-ed whose headline is v. on point, and Will Oremus at Slate’s crucial take on why Zuck’s behavior is actually serious cause for alarm.
The takeaway? Idk, people. Maybe it’s that you could do worse things for a confidence boost than just to just imagine yourself as a white man who happened to build a popular app and became really fucking powerful really fuckin fast, and conduct yourself as such.
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