6 tiktoks that will make you want a quarantine pet so hard
This one, for cat people
For dog people
For people who are into both
One extremely precious kitten! This one is for everyone!!!
And finally, this one, for the duck peeps.
Signal Boost:
**Please reach out to each person directly if you can help + if you want to be added, DM me on Twitter!
—Writing / Editing—
Cody Thorn: Looking a job at a paper. I have been an editor for 3 of the past 4 years. Prior to that was a sports editor/assistant sports editor/writer. InDesign/photography/Social media. Pretty much have done about everything to keep a weekly paper afloat for the past 3 years. Email is codythorn1981@gmail.com.
Felicity Warner: Former Associate Features Editor at Her Campus. I have experience in/am available for writing, editing, social media management, and project management! I am up for any freelance work related to this. My primary email is felicityrwarner@gmail.com.
Samantha Dorisca: I’m a writer, photographer, and digital content producer. My email is also sdorisca@utexas.edu
Lucy Pierce: Looking for any writing/editing/marketing work in travel/lifestyle, f&b and culture. Email is lucypierce1@hotmail.com
Taylor Rollins: I’m a culture writer looking for anything entertainment (movies, tv, music) or culture related. My email is taylormylinn@gmail.com
—Video / Photo / Production—
Soren C Sorensen: I write & do internet video about Democratic Party politics, the environment (pipelines, biodiversity), sex work and adult entertainment, and rural poverty. E-mail soren.c.sorensen@gmail.com youtube: youtube.com/user/peckableliberal
Howard Lao: I’m based in Portland, Oregon. Freelance photographer - Events, sports, commercial. Howlaophotography@gmail.com / HowLaoPhotography.com
Anna Hu: I'm an NYC-based Post Production Supervisor looking to work in video for web content. My email is annaxhu@gmail.com
—Marketing / Communications—
Annisha Hinkle: I’ve been let go from my marketing job in concerts & live events. Anything in PR or marketing would be in my skill set. Email: annishahinkle@gmail.com / Phone: 909-731-9062
Jessica Herman: I'm a writer and brand strategist looking to work with purpose-driven orgs, startups, and creative agencies. LI here: linkedin.com/in/jessica-herman-77167129/
Kimani Haughton: I’m currently a student at Penn State. I am expected to graduate this May. I was a media relations intern for Penn State Athletics. After graduation I was set to move to Nashville for a public relations position with Tennessee Titans but that has come to an end due to COVID. Email is kkh139@psu.edu or kimanih0906@live.com (personal)
Deez Links is a dailyish newsletter written by delia cai. You can support the newsletter by sharing it or hitting up our merch store!