3 interviews: Ladies Who Newsletter edition
Hi guys! For the next two weeks, I’m going to run back a few of our favorite Q&As from the past; feel free to take this time to also hit reply and let me know who you wanna see interviewed for the rest of 2020!
For today, here are Q&As with the purveyors of three very good newsletters:
1. Literary agent Kate McKean, on giving vital info about the publishing industry away for free in her newsletter, Agents and Books:
I wanted to provide lots of nuts and bolts information for free — where to find agents, how to write a query letter — in one place that would (hopefully) be easier to fine, while saving some of my ~~deep thoughts~~ and other things for paying subscribers. There's been some give in take in that plan as I write more and more newsletters, but I still think that it's important to teach people about the industry they very much want to be a part of.
2. The WSJ’s Julia Carpenter, on the best part of writing A Woman To Know:
People email me constantly with women they read about in single paragraphs or glimpsed on museum placards, and there’s so much out there that never made it into our history books. I get hopping mad about it! And then I add a name to my list and try to find out who she was, and then I look up and it’s been an hour and I need to close my laptop.
3. GQ columnist Sophia Benoit, on the top recurring themes for her advice newsletter, Here’s The Thing:
I've found that most people really want permission/guidance to fuck their crush or break up with someone who is ookayk but not perfect. We're all the same! Also! Overwhelmingly, the people who are hard on themselves shouldn't be, and the people who should be harder on themselves aren't. I love the letters because it's mostly really good people looking for how to do right by other people but not trample themselves in the process and that is a hard, lifelong battle. We're all doing our best, and sometimes our best sucks.
Deez Links is a dailyish newsletter written by @delia_cai. You can support the newsletter by sharing it or hitting up our merch store!