3 interviews: ICYMI edition
Hi guys! For the next two weeks, I’m going to run back a few of our favorite Q&As from the past; feel free to take this time to also hit reply and let me know who you wanna see interviewed for the rest of 2020!
For today, here are Q&As with your internet faves:
1. Taylor Lorenz, on the biggest misconception around her work:
People who think my beat is just about "teens doing stuff " don't get it are VASTLY underestimating me as a reporter!!! I almost never start with wHaT tEeNs ArE dOiNg OnLiNe. If I see interesting emergent behavior on a platform, I dig into who and why it's happening, and usually (like 90% of the time) it's teens who are exhibiting the behavior. But what's interesting is why they're bending the platform in some new and unique way and what unmet needs they have as users. Not that fact that they're teens!!!
2. Anita Badejo, on the tell-tale signs of a good Pop-Up Magazine story:
A classic Pop-Up Magazine story is one that's informative (most of our stories are reported), visually beautiful and exciting, emotional (people typically laugh and cry during the same show!), and, perhaps most importantly, surprising. "Surprising" can mean it's a story about something you never even knew existed, or it can be a story about something familiar — told in a surprising, fascinating way on the stage, that turns whatever you thought you knew on its head.
3. Nicholas Thompson, on what he listens to during his notorious running commute:
I usually listen to podcasts or audiobooks. I love a16z, Sleepwalkers, Revisionist History, The Daily, Gadget Lab, Longform, and the New Yorker Radio Hour. Though, sometimes I turn them off and try to just clear my head.
Deez Links is a dailyish newsletter written by @delia_cai. You can support the newsletter by sharing it or hitting up our merch store! P.S. Also today is my birthday so there’s that. it’s the big 27, baby!!!