2018 resolution: no more overkill media safari rampages plz
WELCOME BACK, DEEZERS! I missed you like a shitty former Today anchor probably misses his job, oh wait, who cares, because it’s about to be HodaFest2k18!!!
Anyway, having spent an unprecedented 21 days now over the past 3 months in my central Illinois hometown, I’ve been thinking a lot about “Trump country” and how the MSM spent 2017 tripping over itself in an attempt to write The Profile That Perfectly Captures Midwest/Rustbelt/Coal Mine/Non-coastal Essence. You know the ones.
Often landing somewhere between well-intentioned but severely romanticized overkill and one big echo chamber, as the HuffPost’s Ashley Feinberg points out in What I Learned From Reading All The Media Safaris Into ‘Trump Country’ I Could Handle Before Wanting To Die, one can only hope that 2018 will bring a few more nuanced and less heavy-handed approaches. This one from the WaPo on J.C. Penney land is good; now can we have more? Oh, but also can we still go ham on this kind of coverage to OTHER underserved communities, while we’re at it?
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