2 Friday listicles for ya
Today’s links are to two lists you should check out:
1. HuffPo put together a list of “The Most Influential Women in 2016 Election Media,” which is just inherently cool bc of course, the more sistas out there bein’ all ~influential~ in the media, the better.
2. On the more self serving end, Gawker put together like, a ‘greatest hits’ sizzle reel? To justify its existence? Which sounds like prime hate-reading/hate-scrolling material, but does lead to some hard thinking on the role of tabloids/gossip rags in today’s media.
As in, yes they are mostly garbage dumps, but every once in a while, some important shit comes up, and they’re often the only ones who’ll be there to catch it, while the rest of us are writing like, pho thinkpieces or whatever.
Deez Links is v. impressed with National Donut Day's apparently insane marketing strategy.